Daily Health Tips For You

Monday, October 28, 2013

9 Effective Homemade Remedies for Dandruff

Ufff Dandruff!!! This is the word that echoes everywhere. Irrespective of age and gender, Dandruff is seen in most of us. There are many products with various brands in market that title themselves as best antidandruff agents. In reality very few of them actually works that too in providing short term relief. Chemicals in these products will have harsh effect on hair.

What is dandruff?

Dandruff (seborrhea) can be defined as shedding of flakes (dead skin cells ) from the scalp. The exact cause of Dandruff is not known. However oily scalp, skin infections, irritations, chemicals collectively may contribute to the formation of Dandruff. It often results in hair fall, flaky scalp, pimples on face, dry and damaged hair.

Homemade remedies and treatments for dandruff:

Always opt for safe homemade remedies and effective natural methods for dandruff treatments.

Homemade Remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff Remedy 1. Lemons:

Lemon reduces excess oils, shed off flakes on scalp. Its antibacterial action makes it the most natural and inexpensive method to fight against dandruff.

You require: Lemons, Water
How to use: Take around 2 -3 lemons, peel the skin. Boil these peels in 5 cups of water. Let it cool down and use it to rinse your hair. Try this at least once in a week to get desired results.  The other way of using lemons is extract juice from it. Gently massage lemon juice on your scalp for 5 minutes and shower.

Dandruff Remedy 2. Fenugreek:

To get a gorgeous hair, try using fenugreeek (methi) seeds. It effectively treats flaky hair, scalp infections and prevent hair fall.

You require: Fenugreeek (methi) seeds
How to use: Soak one cup of fenugreek seeds in 3 cups of water. Let it stay for overnight.  Take the soaked fenugreeek seeds and put in a grinder or blender. Add required amount of water to make into smooth paste. Adding egg white is optional. With your fingertips, apply this paste on your scalp. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse off.

Dandruff Remedy 3. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple Cider Vinegar works well for itchy scalp. Its high acidic nature kills bacteria responsible for dandruff.

You require: Apple Cider Vinegar, warm water
How to use: Take required equal proportions of Apple Cider Vinegar and water. Mix thoroughly and pour on your hair. Avoid contact with eyes as it causes burning sensation. Then rinse off with lukewarm water to get rid of vinegar smell.

Dandruff Remedy 4. Neem:

Neem described in Ayurveda as “sarva roga nivarini” has wide range of uses which are absolutely amazing. With its antibacterial property, neem treats scalp infections that cause dandruff.

You require: Neem leaves, hot water
How to use: To 2 cups of neem leaves, add hot water. After overnight strain the green colored water and wash your hair. The left over neem leaves can be grinded into fine paste. Apply this paste all over scalp evenly. Leave it on for a while and then rinse off.

Dandruff Remedy 5. Baking Soda:

Baking Soda is a  perfectdandruff remover and replaces shampoos for cleansing hair. It works on dry and damaged hair for retaining its moisture.

You require: Baking Soda, water, vinegar
How to use: To half cup of baking soda add 1 cup of distilled water and one cup of white vinegar. Mix thoroughly and wash your hair with this solution. Make this procedure as your routine to have a dandruff free scalp.

Dandruff Remedy 6. Tea Tree Oil (melaleuca oil)

Whatever scalp problem you name it, Tea Tree Oil is the best remedy to treat them. Research studies proved that it acts by clearing and unblocking hair follicles thus restricts bacterial and fungal infections.

You require:  tea tree leaves, water
How to use: Extract oil from Tea tree leaves. To 1 tablespoon of Tea Tree Oil add 1 cup of warm water. Stir thoroughly and add this to your shampoo.

Dandruff Remedy 7. Yoghurt:

Yoghurt conditions your hair and clarifies the pores on your scalp to treat dandruff.

You require: Yoghurt
How to use: Take 1 cup of yoghurt and apply evenly on your hair from root to tip. Keep it for 30 - 60 minutes and wash off with mild shampoo.

Dandruff Remedy 8. Oil massage:

Oil massage on scalp spreads the natural oil and extricates the dead skin cells that are responsible for dandruff. It stimulates blood circulation and exfoliates.

You require: almond oil/ olive oil/coconut oil
How to use: Take 3 tablespoons of any oil of your choice and your hair texture.  Lukewarm it and gently massage your scalp. After 1 hour shampoo your hair.

Dandruff Remedy 9. Aloe

Aloe vera is an excellent remedy to solve dandruff problems. Its antifungal properties treats dry and itchy scalp.
You require: Aloe vera leaves
How to use: Extract gel from 2 aloe vera leaves. Apply gel to the scalp and shampoo after 15 minutes.

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